Location 1 – Westwood Elementary
Class III bike route on Caywood Drive from Sandalwood Drive to Morada Lane, ADA compliant curb ramps, safety bar channelizers, crosswalk striping improvements at the intersection of Morada Lane and Caywood Drive.
Location 2 – Lincoln Elementary School
Crosswalk striping improvements at Lincoln Street and Gettysburg Place.
Location 3 – Spanos Elementary
Class II bicycle lanes on Hazelton Avenue from San Joaquin Street to Wilson Way, pavement improvement treatment/repairs within the proposed bicycle facilities, signal modifications to accommodate bicycle lanes at two existing signalized intersections; crosswalk striping, RRFB, and ADA compliant curb ramps at California Street and Church Street.
Locations 4 + 5 – Edison High & Huerta Elementary
Class II bicycle lanes on Turnpike Road from Center Street to Eighth Street, pavement improvement treatment/repairs within the proposed bicycle facilities, crosswalk striping improvements, ADA compliant curb ramps, sidewalk repair, RRFB at First Street and El Dorado Avenue, and traffic signal modifications to accommodate bicycle lanes at four signalized intersections.
Locations 6 – Van Buren Elementary
Crosswalk striping improvements, install sidewalk, curb and gutter on Bieghle Street from Clover Lane to Tenth Street.
Center Street & El Dorado Street
Class II/IV bicycle lanes from Cleveland Avenue to Third Street, pavement improvement treatment/repairs within the proposed bicycle facilities, and traffic signal modification to accommodate bicycle lanes at two existing signalized intersections.