June is National Safety Month!
At Siegfried, we are dedicated to taking on projects that improve intersections, roadways and bicycle lanes to improve the safety of cyclists, pedestrians, and more. We’ve rounded up some of our safety projects over the years to close out the month!
City of Stockton, Miner Avenue Complete Streets
This project was a 10-block rehabilitation of Miner Avenue that spanned from Center Street to the UPRR underpass. ATP grant-funded, Phase I consisted of the first four blocks of bike and walkway improvements, plus the CMAQ-funded roundabout at the San Joaquin intersection. Improvements included: lane reduction from four to two lanes and Class II bicycle lanes; the addition of median islands and the roundabout; traffic signal modifications at the signalized intersections; streetlights; as well as wider sidewalks with pedestrian and bicycle amenities.
Stanislaus County, Measure L Sidewalk Projects
Siegfried is currently consulting and providing engineering services to Stanislaus County to help them improve functionality, plus directly enhance the pedestrian use of County roadways. Project elements include designing and constructing sidewalks and drainage improvements in four different areas of the County. By installing a dedicated path of travel for pedestrians, this project will also provide safe routes to school for children. This project was funded by a grant through Measure L.
City of Los Altos, Covington Road, Class I Pathway
This project consisted of a 700 LF section of Covington Road in the school vicinity for the City of Los Altos. The project was to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety, as the section of road did not have a sidewalk or defined bike lanes, forcing students and parents who frequented this route to walk on or near the street, creating a dangerous situation. In addition to the potential pedestrian dangers, the drainage was poor and caused ponding and slip hazards.
The solution was to install a new Class I bike path and walkway along one side of the road. The path and street improvements retained a more rural and naturalized setting while improving drainage and water quality. As opposed to natural surface trails and traditional bike lanes, Class I paths provide better access in inclement weather, faster speeds, and support a higher frequency of use, which is what this section of road needed.
City of Stockton, Hazelton Rail Crossing
The Hazelton Project provided railway-highway crossing safety improvements at the Hazelton Avenue and UPRR crossing. Improvements included the installation of medians to discourage gate drive-around, continuous ADA compliant sidewalks, ramps, and pavement markings. This project also included warning devices all around the crossing to be designed and installed by UPRR.