Contractor Pre-Bid Outreach Workshops
City of Stockton Safe Routes to School Safety Road Improvement Project
Siegfried, in partnership with the City of Stockton, is excited to host a virtual pre-bid/outreach meeting for contractors and material suppliers. The purpose of the meeting is to provide contractors an opportunity to review the Scope of Work for the City of Stockton’s Safe Routes to School Safety (Federal Project No. ATPSB1L-5008(189), City Project No. WT19005) before we are at 100% PS&E and RFPs are released.
The City of Stockton is planning road safety upgrades at 6 locations, plus a road diet along two major stretches of roads throughout Stockton. Including, but not limited to, a mix of the installation of new bike lanes, signal modifications, ADA upgrades, and sidewalk repairs. The multi-phase project will have multiple contract opportunities – get the inside track!
DATE: TBD 2023
LOCATION: Zoom Link to be emailed
Enter your email below to receive an invitation to the Zoom Meeting.
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